How much training and practice should a clinician have before working with patients?
These suggestions are based on feedback from working with many clinicians over the years.
- 1 Find the best possible course.
- 2 After a course, do ten or more EEG training sessions on yourself first (we recommend working with an experienced clinician). This helps the starting clinician better understand the process.
- 3 Train your family, friends, or colleagues (if there are not ethical issues) to gain experience.
- 4 Consult with an experienced neurofeedback clinician/mentor to shorten the learning curve.
- 5 If you decide to use qEEG data (EEG brain map) as a tool to guide the training, find a very experienced and knowledgeable tutor to help who also has neurofeedback expertise. The learning curve to read and interpret qEEGs is significant.