What EEG frequencies are typically trained?
Beta frequencies (12-20 Hz). Increasing beta activity tends to relate to increased activation – a more alert, awake brain. It’s the state where tasks get done. Training this band is often used to improve attention, organization, to elevate mood, and to improve cognitive and task performance. Calming the brain using SMR (12-15 Hz), often reduces anxiety, anger, and stress-related problems. It can improve inhibition (for example, impulsivity) and sleep onset (quiet down the mind).
When neurofeedback started, much of the training was done in this frequency range along the sensory motor strip. Neuroscience and brain imaging research have pointed to many other functional areas as well. As a result, neurofeedback may include training the frontal and prefrontal lobes, the anterior cingulate, and the temporal and parietal lobes. For example, research indicated that excessive EEG slowing at the anterior cingulate can be related to ADD, depression, or OCD.
Alpha-theta training (rewarding 8-11 or 8-12 Hz for alpha and 4-8 Hz for theta) uses neurofeedback to guide people to their deepest levels of consciousness. Once in a deep state, deeper psychological issues, such as depression, addiction, anxiety, and PTSD can more easily be addressed. It can also enhance creativity and promote deep states of relaxation. The training is done with eyes closed and may be enhanced with guided imagery.
A double-blind study on musical performance was published by a noted university in London. Top students from the Royal Conservatory of Music who did alpha-theta training saw readily-identifiable improvements in their musical performance over two months. Five groups with other therapies saw no improvements.
Excessive theta and delta (slow wave activity) is inhibited during training. Theta waves (4-7) can be associated with distractibility or not focusing. Delta waves (0-3) are often associated with sleep states, but in a waking state, can be associated with brain dysfunction. Excessive amounts of delta and theta will interfere with concentration, attention, and create other problems. Training often targets reducing that activity.
High Beta. Certain frequencies of high beta activity can potentially stimulate attention, but excessive high beta is associated with anxiety, tension, and trying too hard. This can be reduced through training.