A select short list of research about neurofeedback
Below we’ve selected a combination of studies designed to give you a good feel for the field of neurofeedback. If there’s a link (the journal or source is underlined), it is usually to an abstract or article.
Retraining the Brain, Using Neurofeedback to Help Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Laurence Hirshberg, Ph.D. May-June 2004 issue of the Autism Asperger’s Digest,
Riding the Waves, Psychotherapy Networker, Sebern Fisher Sep/Oct 2004; Vol. 28 A good discussion of psychotherapy and neurofeedback.
Alice in Neuroland, Psychotherapy Networker, Katy Butler Sept/Oct 2005
Baehr, E., Rosenfeld, J. P., & Baehr, R.. Clinical use of an alpha asymmetry neurofeedback protocol in the treatment of mood disorders: Follow-up study one to five years post therapy. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2001 4(4), 11-18.
Levesque J, Beauregard M, Mensour B.: Effect of neurofeedback training on the neural substrates of selective attention in children with ADD/ADHD: A functional MRI study. Neurosci Lett. 2006 Feb 20;394(3):216-21.
Brod TM: Notes on brainwave biofeedback for young people: AD/HD and related issues. in Incorvia JA, Mark-Goldstein BS, and Tessmer D (eds): Understanding, Diagnosing And Treating AD/HD Children And Adolescents. Jason Aronson 1999
Chabot RJ, diMichele F, Prichep L, John ER:The clinical role of computerized EEG in the evaluation and treatment of learning and attention disorders in children and adolescents. J Neuropsychiatry and Clin Neuroscience, 2001; 13: 171-186
Egner T, Gruzelier JH Learned self-regulation of EEG frequency components affects attention and event-related brain potentials in humans. Neuroreport 2001, 12:411-415
Egner T, Gruzelier JH Ecological validity of neurofeedback: modulation of slow wave EEG enhances musical performance. Neuroreport 2003a, 14:1223-1228
Egner T, Gruzelier JH EEG biofeedback of low bnd beta components: frequency-specific effects of variables of attention and event-related brain potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003b, in press
Evans J, Abarbanel A (eds), Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, San Diego, Academic Press, 1999
Fisher S, Riding the Waves: Neurofeedback: A breakthrough with learning disabilities? Psychotherapy Networker, Sept/October, page 77-83. 2004 (click here for full article)
Fuchs T, Birbaumer N, Lutzenberger W, Gruzielier JH, Kaiser J, Neurofeedback treatment for ADHD in children: a comparison with methylphenidate, Appl Psychophys Biofeedback 2003 Mar 28 (1):1-12
Goldberg E, The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes And The Civilized Mind, Oxford, 2001
Gruzelier, J & Egner,T. Critical validation studies of neurofeedback. Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clinics N Am 2005; 83-104.
Hammond DC. , Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):105-23, vii.
Hammond C. QEEG-Guided Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Journal of Neurotherapy, 2003; Vol 7(2)
Hammond DH, Adverse reactions and potential iatrogenic effects in neurofeedback training (Clinical Corner), J of Neurotherapy, 2001; 4:57-69.
Hammond DC: Medical justification for neurofeedback with ADD/ADHD. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2000; 4(1), 90-93.
Hirshberg LM, Chiu S, Frazier JA., Emerging brain-based interventions for children and adolescents: overview and clinical perspective. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):1-19, v
Jarusiewicz, B. Efficacy of Neurofeedback for Children in the Autistic Spectrum: A Pilot Study, Journal of Neurotherapy, 2002; Vol 6(4), 39-49
Kaiser DA, Othmer S: Effect of Neurofeedback on variables of attention in a large multi-center trial. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2000 4(1), 5-15.
Lantz D, & Sterman MB: Neuropsychological assessment of subjects with uncontrolled epilepsy: Effects of EEG biofeedback training. Epilepsia, 1988; 29(2), 163-171.
Loo SK, EEG and neurofeedback findings in ADHD The ADHD Report, 2003,. 11:3, 1-4
Loo SK, Barkley RA: Clinical Utility of EEG in ADHD. Applied Neuropsychology 2005, Vol. 12, 64-76
Lubar JF: Neocortical Dynamics: implications for understanding the role of neurofeedback and related techniques for the enhancement of attention. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 1997 22: 111-25.
Lubar JF and Lubar JO: Neurofeedback assessment and treatment for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. in Evans JR and Abarbanel A (eds): Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, Academic Press 1999
Masterpasqua, F; Healey, KN Neurofeedback in Psychological Practice; Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 2003; Vol 34(6), Dec. pp. 652-656
Meyer-Lindenberg A, Ziemann U, Hajak G, et al:. Transitions between dynamical states of differing stability in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002; Aug 20;99(17):10948-53.
Monastra VJ, Electroencephalographic biofeedback (neurotherapy) as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: rationale and empirical foundation. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):55-82, vi.
Monastra VJ, Lubar JF, Linden M: the development of a quantitative electroencephalographic scanning process for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: reliability and validation studies. Neuropsychology, 2001 15: 136-144.
Monastra VJ., Monastra DM., & George,S. . The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of ADHD. Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, 2002, 27(4), 231-249.
Nash JK, Treatment of ADHD with neurotherapy. Clinical Electroencephalography 2000, 31(1), 30-37
Peniston, EG, Kulkosky, PJ, VA Hospital: Alcoholic Personality and Alpha-theta Brainwave Training. Medical Psychotherapy, 1990, Volume 3, pp.37-55
Peniston EG, Marrinan DA, Deming WA, and Kulkosky PJ: EEG alpha-theta brainwave synchronization in Vietnam veterans with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol abuse. Adv Med Psychotherapy 1993 6: 37-30
Pulvermuller F, Mohr, Schleichert H, Veit, R: Operant conditioning of left hemispheric slow cortical potentials and its effect on word processing. Biological Psychology, 2000; 53, 177-215.
Rosenfeld JP: An EEG Biofeedback Protocol for Affective Disorders. Clin Electroencephalography 2000:7-12
Rossiter, T.R., & La Vaque, T.J. A comparison of EEG biofeedback and psychostimulants in treating attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy, . 1995; 1, 48-59
Ryback R, Bioelectrical modulators and the cell membrane in psychiatric medicine. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 35: 4,Autumn 2001, 5-44
Saxby E, Peniston EG. Alpha-theta brainwave neurofeedback training: an effective treatment for male and female alcoholics with depressive symptoms. J Clin Psychol. 1995 Sep;51(5):685-93
Scott, Kaiser, Othmer, Sideroff, , Effects of an EEG Biofeedback Protocol on a Mixed Substance Abusing Population A J Alcohol Drug Abuse, Volume 31, Number 3 / 2005 Pages: 455 – 469
Schore A, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self,., Laurence Erlbaum, 1994
Schore A, Affect Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self,.,Norton, 2003
Schore A, Affect Regulation and the Repair of Self, Norton, 2003
Sterman MB: Basic concepts and clinical findings in the treatment of seizure disorders with EEG operant conditioning. Clinical Electroencephalography, 2000;31(1), 45-55.
Sterman MB: Physiological origins and functional correlates of EEG rhythmic activities: implications for self-regulation. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 1996 21:3-34
Thompson L, Thompson M. Neurofeedback combined with training in metacognitive strategies: effectiveness in students with ADD. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 1998 Dec;23(4):243-63.
Tansey MA. A simple and a complex tic (Tourette’s syndrome): their response to EEG sensorimotor rhythm biofeedback training. Int J Psychophysiol. 1986 Jul; 4(2): 91-97
Tinius TP, Tinius KA: Changes after EEG biofeedback and cognitive retraining in adults with mild traumatic brain injury and attention deficit disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2001; 4(2), 27-44. (must go half way down the page to find abstract)
Trudeau DL., Applicability of brain wave biofeedback to substance use disorder in adolescents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):125-36, vii
Uhlmann C, Froscher W. Biofeedback treatment in patients with refractory epilepsy: Changes in depression and control orientation. Seizure 2001, 10(1), 34-38.
Vernon D, Egner T, Cooper N, Compton T, Neilands C, Sheri A, Gruzielier J, The effect of training distinct neurofeedback protocols on aspects of cognitive performance. Intl J Psychophys, 2003, 47: 75-86
Walker JE, Kozlowski GP, Neurofeedback treatment of epilepsy. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):163-76, viii.